Friday, April 3, 2009

X-Rocker chair rocks the gaming world

To take full advantage of the gaming world, perhaps the high end consoles are not enough, but gaming accessories should also add extra flavor to the excitement. With this concept in mind, gaming rockers were introduced. These are no simple chairs, but an extension of the gaming accessories that provide bodily comfort while spending long hours in the gaming world and some extra fun.

As a part of the new lifestyle furniture, Ace Bayou has introduced two gaming chairs -
the X-Rocker Pro-Series and X Rocker 4.1. Both the models are equipped with four powerful in-built speakers, sub-woofer and wireless capabilities. The chair can be connected to other chairs, a wonderful option, while playing a game where group unison is required.

The audio elements in the X-Rocker chairs’ design are advanced enough to allow faint whimpering to be heard. This means, you can guess other players’ motives and plan your next move. This chair can be connected with every available gaming console. This will make game a rocking fun with excellent surrounding sound.

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