Friday, April 3, 2009


PDP also unveiled the new revolutionary wireless SmartStylus™ 1 and 2 devices for the Nintendo DS™. The patent-pending SmartStylus™ 1 and 2 both feature a vibration feedback that players using the stylus will feel based on movements and commands in the game. The SmartStylus™ 2 can include a variety of added features, including LEDs, sound and motion feedback. With the motion feedback capability, the stylus can now act as a motion input device, allowing you, for example, to hit a home run by swinging the stylus off the DS screen. The SmartStylus™ 1 will launch this fall and is pending licensing by Nintendo.

"The technologies offered by both the Gametrak Freedom™ and the SmartStylus™ tools are the first of their kind," said John Moore, senior vice president of marketing for the California-based PDP. "PDP is excited to be introducing these new technologies. They will create a new level of gaming that can be enjoyed by the whole family."

PDP enjoyed a big year in 2008, with increased sales year over year compared with 2007. The company will be introducing several new gaming products in 2009.

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